Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Brochure

This is my new brochure where i created for the project .
I hope you enjoyed !


  1. Hello,
    I'm comenting your post as a representative of catalan group one. We think that your publicity brochure is really original, it's a very good idea to make publicity of a soda using a picture with people laughing, it's brilliant!, but that it's all? We hopped that you had posted something more. We will be waiting for more in this theme.

    Bye, see you next year in grece.

  2. Hi Teresa,
    First of all i hope you are good . Thank you for your comment and i will try to poste more things !

    Bye , see you in Grecee !

  3. Hi Greece!
    We think your brochure looks good, but maybe you could use the empty red part for a quote or something, to fill it up. The people in the background look like they're having fun drinking the cola, so that's good.

    Greets from the Netherlands, group 1
